Automation’s accelerating impact on Global Industrial Evolution has forced us to-Morph Again.
Politics can’t solve the USA’s Trade Deficit or the growing U.S. National Debt or the declining-Industrial Productivity that are sucking the life out of the American Economy. Protective Tariffs simply feed-Inflation. Immigrants aren’t taking American’s Industrial jobs. Corporate America’s focusing-on Working Harder, not Smarter + adversarial management + focus-on quarterly time-frames + the lack of equitable recognition / compensation -- are taking America’s Jobs.
American’s immediate-challenge is to-generate/build a Can-Work-Smarter Executive + Administrative + Operations Staffed Workforce that can-become Globally Competitive > Today! A Can-Work-Smarter workforce must-replace the current U.S. Matriarchal, University-Prepped Pontificating Top-Tier of U.S. Industrial Executive Suites -- and our basically illiterate Grunt + Clerical + Curative + Robotic Workforce that will be replaced by Quantum A.I. and Automation in the next 5 years — creating a dramatic shortage at the top of the U.S. workforce. The U.s. is ranked 16th in Global Literacy among industrialized Nations and below-average in all other Assimilation Skills + Physical and Mental Health + Civic Safety. USA is above-average in Debt generation.
Intellectual Alert: Scientists just announced the discovery of the most successful Cognitive Intelligence-driven Community in history: A 34,000 year-old Termite Mound. Termite Mounds are-emulated almost entirely in Structure, Function and Operation by U.S. Universities + U.S. Colleges + U.S. local Schooling Districts and Corporate America. Don't believe us! Google facts and statistics!
— Scholastic Engineering Presents — How-to manage A.I. + Automation before they manage you — while Getting America back in the Global Economic Game with a positive Trade Balance.
There are 16 observable Tics + Tells + Traits-- that result from being Smarter and indicate => the post-puberty requisite Capabilities – Competencies – Perspectives for Top-Tier Employment during the 21st Century’s Age of Automation (arranged in priority order.)
#1 – #6 can earn a wearable Pet Rock that can protect a-Contender's Options and Opportunities as they acquire more Tics + Tells + Traits – DIY On-the Fly here at (Not available at any U.S. University, College, Community College or private Prepping Service) the largest one-room schoolhouse in America offers a Process to-learn How-to manage A.I. and Automation before they manage-you => DIY On-the-Fly = FREE that can-be supplemented with on-Demand fee-based Topic-Coaching -or- On-Demand fee-based employment Mentoring.
Our primary Coaching + Mentoring Tool is a 2-hour Zoom-in - Ys-RoundTable - Hosting Socratic Collaborative Discussions @ $48/participant.
To try out our Communication Systems, potential-Contenders can pick a Tic or Tell or Trait to Discuss @ $36/participant.
Email Us to Register for the Tic or Tell or Trait you would like to discuss, and we will schedule a meeting, probably a Tuesday/Wednesday evening at 6 PM PST, and send you a Zoom-in link address. ($36)
The Art of Being-Smarter™ •Being Smarter makes us more Versatile. • Being more Versatile increases our Adaptability. • Increasing our Adaptability increases our Options and Opportunities. • Increasing our Options and Opportunities gives us greater Control of our Financial Lives, our Relational Lives, our Social Lives.
Introducing -- Age of Automation-oriented Intellectual Skill Sets, Capabilities, Competencies that can make the Top-Tier of Industrial America’s Workforce World-Class Competitors in the immediate Future and for the Future. (aka: Not an Education, just the Facts.) ___________
We know that only 6% of any organization make it go, so statistically we can generate enough Prospects to change the course of the American Economy from the Bottom-up. The To-be or not-To-be Question: Are there enough Americans to restore America’s Promise? Justice Antonin Scalia said, being an-American is a State of Mind, not a legal designation. Considering that Americans’ current State of Mind is self-serving + self-centered + self-indulgent + fatting + debilitating + dependent-on Viagra, Addyi, and Opioids — and U.S. Universities are graduating Clones + Drones + Pod People — we may be trying-to swim upstream in a steepening rapids of Banshee Concert goers. The Fall of all Empires has been initiated by its pleasure-seekers.
A Caveat: Only 24% of American Males and 4% of females have the physiological components to-be-Smarter and develop Intellectual Acuity. Most of these intellectual capabilities have been intentionally exorcised in U.S. K-8-12-16 Schooling -- in the Best of Times. ADHD is the first sign of a Child’s intellectual aptitude and potential for becoming a Smarter Adult. Ritalin has done more damage to the USA's competitive capabilities than opioids..
Our 3-New Forum Facilities offer DIY Prepping with optional Coaching in The Art of Being-Smarter + Intellectual Acuity -- deliverable anytime + anywhere + to anyone with Internet access. = The largest one room school house in the USA today. VirMote Services include an on-call Coaching Service and i-Smarter Credentialing Services that Smart / Informed People will accept.
------------------------------ Lt. John M. Comer- SAR –> Youngest Combat Aircraft Commander in USAF (age 23) Pilot USAF Apache-3 B-26 Invaders Top Secret Clearance On the Tarmac: K-9; S.Korea, 1953 USAF 4yrs/5mos/15days+6yrs Res Volunteered for Combat It is not everybody's Game
The Art of Being-SmarterTM is about Making “Connections”
How-to make Connections that reveal Consequences and their Consequences and Ramifications, as well as Results, can only be done — DIY On-the-Fly — Ys-ly, by systematically defining and delineating related Knowledge relative to our personal situation, circumstances and expectations, and Strategic Planning -- that will form the foundation for your Journey through a Successful Life.
(1) The Art of Being-Smarter™ at a Ys-Round-Table Center -- is Ground Zero for reviving the Spirit of America’s Original Wiseacres and moving-on to-build Age of Automation Wiseacres via (i4A + 4C + Q-A.I. = Am-I = apt I.A. = Smarter) The Original Wiseacres(aka: America’s Founding Fathers, FF-YsAcres) wrote the Declaration of Independence, won the American Revolution, wrote and adopted the U.S. Constitution => a Contract of Governance between The American People and their Government that could deliver America’s Promise based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. (Ref: The Jefferson Bible) America’s Founding Fathers and initial political leadership were recognized as some of the smartest People in the World by many of the Smartest People in the World. Not true in the USA today. It's High Noon in America and Time to stop building Academic, Religious, Political, Corporate "Termite Mounds" and start building 21st Century Wagon Trains at Ys-Common's Construction Sites on Times -- They are a Changin' — Intellectually!
Ys-Common’s Round-Tables (pdf: 2 pages) There are16 Primary Components that influence a Homo Sapiens Sapiens in Exant's abilityto-be Smarter. Defining each Component and putting it into Context will make you Smarter. Being-Smarter gives us greater Control of our Lives, our Options, our Opportunities, our habitat and its Environs..
(2) The Science of Intellectual Acuity(aka: I.A.-YsAcres). Follow The Yellow Brick Road on that creates a foundation for a Strategic Plan.
You can learn How-to Acquire + Master + Project a Shield-of-Intellectual Acuity by developing a "Strategic Plan" for building a successful Life on your own terms that follows a Critical Path that develops the Components-of Intellectual Acuity that will put you at the head of any Hiring line > Promotion Line > Bonus Line + Open the Door to the Executive Suite of any A.I. automated company in the USA and improve gender-based relationships. Learn How-to respect Homo Sapient Sapien in Extand's Gender-based physical + physiological + intellectual differences that can contribute-to differing Perspectives. Avoid becoming a single mom, which is not better for your children. Mating can become a partnership with mutual Responsibilities and Collaborative, Constructive Perspectives = an Ensemble.
Intellectual Acuity = Managing to get the-Right-Things-Done the-Right-Way with a tangible + measurable ROI - Peter Drucker (ROI = Return On Investment of Time or Money or both.) In order to participate in the Top-Tier of the U.S. Age of Automation Workforce, you must be able to: 1)Acquire knowledge via A.I. 2)Apply knowledge via Intellectual Acuity, and 3)Participate in Collaborative Discussions.
During the Age of Automation, the primary skill set is Literacy = How-to-Acquire Knowledge. (The USA ranks 16th among the Industrialized Nations in Literacy.)
The Science of Intellectual Acuity DIY Program Includes: 12 Intellectual Tools, Skill Sets, Capabilities, Competencies; 8 Strategic Planning Critical Path Outlines; 14 C-ing Things in Context demonstrating Ambient Intelligence. Reference: Common Denominators indicating potential Ambient Intelligence = ADHD -- GPAs below 2.5 -- Loners by choice -- Community College and Adult Ed students -- and anyone who exhibits some semblance of Common Sense + very low-end Drug users. Our Human Brains have amazing resiliency and can actually be-Risen from the Dead if the dormant Components are still present.
3) Strategic Planning and Implementing — Defining and Delineating How-you want your Life and Work to Proceed and How-to make that possible.
Becoming a Smarter Manager of your Life is a Process:
Write down: Your Aspirations stating where you want-to-go = a-Postulate
Describe:What you have to work with = a Personal Profile
Write-down:What you need to Know + be-able-to-Do = a Strategic Plan
How-to-Achievethat = Critical Path
Only-You can Control + Manage + Protect your Options + Opportunities + Rights because only-you really care about YOU — until you match-up. That‘s another challenge.
How-to BUILD aStrategic Plan that will get us where we want to go — or close!
“OurHuman Brains have amazing resiliency and can actually be-Risen
from the Dead if the dormant Components are still present.” – JMC
Any of you who have sufficient remnants-left of your original Ambient Intelligence Physiology -- to learn How-to become a Smarter Coach -- should look at our Smarter Coach Program. You might like to get on the PercoCity Express — that crosses the A.I. Bridge to PerspicaCity — before it leaves the Station.
Smart Coaching: It can-be a form of Career Ensurance or a Retirement Activity that says you are not useless — yet.
Bonus Coaching Benefits -- 1) It seems 62-76% of U.S. children, ages 6-18, live with a single Mom. (A Key component in destabilising America.) Knowing what Being Smarter acts-like can help Single Moms identify Smarter Males who will make better Life Partners than uniquely skilled males who may get richer quicker but who are more likely to enjoy the options wealth brings that creates children with single Moms.
2) Fill Conventional Corporate America's need for Smart R&D to anticipate-Reality in their seemingly-static Consumer Marketplaces.
We have developed a 13-Week Program that Preps + Certifies Smart Coaches to operate the — Art of Being-Smarter Annexes. If becoming a Smart Coach might appeal to you, please Email Us. You will be invited to a Review session before making a commitment.
How-to Control/Manage A.I. during the Age of Automation — and keeping it in its Place Starts Here
Email Us => To schedule a Ys-Round-Table Q&A Zoom-In Collaborative Discussion of the Cornerstones of tomorrow's U.S. Age of Automation workforce. Individuals or Groups can attend via Smart Phones or Laptops or Desktops. ($48 per participant)