> PLAYBOOK: What is? What can-be? How-to? DIY On-the-Fly using A.I. - VirMotely - Available 24/7 from anywhere - Solo or Klatches or Clubs + Coaching - Mentoring via eMail - FaceTime - Zoom
How-to make Connections thatwill make you Smarter — starts here!
What Is:The 21st Century 4th Industrial Revolution – The Age of Automation – is replacing the 20th Century's 3rd Industrial Revolution – The Age of Mechanization - that replaced the 2nd Industrial Revolution – The Age of Hand Tools – that replaced the 1st Industrial Revolution – The Age of Manual Labor – that replaced hunting, gathering and scavenging.
> An Industrial Revolution involves a change in Tasks that requires a change in Processes = How-to-Now!
The Age of Automation's computer-based Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) cannot replace our Human Brain or even come close. Computers are infinitely faster when dealing with 1–3 issues, simultaneously, while creating an Inference. Our Human Brain can handle up to 21 sensory inputs, simultaneously, while creating an immediate-Context and a prioritized behavioral response.
How-to NOW! —can only take place in a Place of Reverence for proven Principles, Precepts and Practices that offers an accelerated way to discover the least you need to know to make a productive / conductive decision or launch a successful course of action.
What can be:To-be or not-to-be Smarter is now a personal choice => because being Smarter demonstrates a balance of our unique, individual collection of physiological / intellectual Capabilities + Competencies — tempered on the Anvil of our individual experiences. In addition, we are all Smarter differently, which is Why we need to Collaborate to be our-Smartest to optimize our Unique-Intelligence + our Options + our Opportunities + our Rewards.
We can actually Prep ourselves to become self-reliant + independent + American Adults who can protect our own Options and Opportunities from Pedantic Predators and Do-it => DIY On-the-Fly during the Age of Automation and its driving force — Artificial Intelligence -- that is being upgraded to the 4th generation Nvidia Chip = Ys-Quantum A.I. 2026 It’s a 2-Step Prep: How-to acquire Intelligence = Special Knowledge. And, How-to-apply it Smartly and Ys-ly.
To resurrect America’s Promise and American’s industrial/commercial competitive capabilities during the Age of Automation, we have to kick-start 2 things: #1) The U.S. Constitution’s Rules of Law that protect Americans' Rights and, #2) Restore the American Workforce Management’s competitive industrial capabilities that can/does make Connections.
The easiest of the two is #2. So we tell you about #1, but give you the Intellectual Tools and Skill Sets you can DIY on-the-Fly to fix #2.
Today’s U.S. Universities haveliterally disarmed Americans intellectually and canceled America’s Promise
Ben Franklinadded Arithmetic and Science to UPenn’s curriculum to help American Farmers improve their crop yields and help shop-keepers and craftsmen to set up operating budgets and increase their Profits — making UPenn the first “For the People” University in the World. (All other Universities were engaged in prepping ministers to staff specific religions.)
Since Ben Franklin was also a major contributor to the U.S. Constitution and its ratification, and is considered one of the 3 smartest men who has ever lived (Leonardo da Vinci, Ben Franklin and Albert Einstein) his example might be one to follow. The Age of Automation and its driving force – A.I. – will reward those who can => Communicate coherently + acquire knowledge exponentially + make Connections On-the-Fly that create useful Context, on-Demand Concepts that initiates useful-Solutions. Today’s U.S. Universities and their graduates have become Pedantic Predators who have Culturally castrated Americans intellectually and canceled America’s Promise by sidelining the U.S. Constitution and its Rules of Law that are intended to protect Americans' Rights — while dumbing-down Americans so they wouldn’t notice.
During the Age of Automation, the primary skill set is Literacy = How-to-acquire Knowledge. Comparative/Competitive National Literacy rates will dictate Citizens’ Quality of Life + Lifestyle + Civility + Equitable access-to Social Justice. Currently, the USA’s Literacy Rate is ranked 16th among the industrialized Nations. And, in all other Knowledge Assimilation Skills, Americans are below average, Resulting-in —
The USA has the highest per-capita incarceration-rate, with the highest recidivism-rate in the World + accelerating Rancor in America’s States, Cities, Streets and Public places + statistically/measurably increasing Civilian-PTSD — as evidenced by younger Americans increasing Obesity, Drug use, OD-ing and Suicide rates. Xi said, “… the U.S. doesn’t have a Drug-supply problem, the U.S. has a Drug-Demand Problem.” Thanks to our U.S. University-built matriarchal Education Matrix (K-8-12-16-20 schooling) over 86% of American Adults can't speak/read/write American English well enough to participate in a Collaborative Discussion in a 21st Century U.S. Tech-dependent Workplace. Which-is-Why the USA’s companies/businesses are losing the Global Trade Competition + U.S. Domestic Market share — and the USA has rising Consumer / Federal National Debts, fueled by past/present rising Inflation.
A Personal Fix How-to Manage A.I. before A.I. Manages you — is as close as your Smart Phone, Laptop or Desktop. DIY On-the-Fly — VirMotely is Free at Retrac.com (Coaching+ Mentoring Services Available)
To get in the Game of Life and develop the Intellectual Acuity to participate in the Human Race — and Survive and Thrive during A.I. and the Age of Automation — you must learn how-to Communicate at superior levels.
How-to Speak + Read American English at Top Tier Age of Automation Employment levels so you can participate in A.I.-driven, spontaneous or scheduled, Collaborative Discussions and be considered an indispensable Cog-in your employer’s margin-building workflow > in 3 Months -- via DIYOn-the-Fly with Google + Retrac.com’s Coaching + Mentoring Services. Your Goals: Speak up-to 220 modulated words/minute (aka: wpm). Read at 360–480 wpm. A "Short Test" of your current speaking + reading speeds. (We have a speech-based reading system. The better you speak, the better your reading speeds.) DIY = Do it yourself => not necessarily by yourself. Set your own Goals + How-to + on your own schedule + setting your own times + at your own pace. This is a How-to Experience, to be followed by Can-Do Experience with Certification and a tangible ROI.
_________________________ Overture TheParsing of America — has de-railed America's Promise
2024 — Resurrecting America’s Promise as-Written in the U.S. Declaration of Independence + Codified in the U.S. Constitution + based-on the-Teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in Jefferson’s Bible. The last Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court to read / comprehended / comply-with the U.S. Constitution, as-written, was Chief Justice Earl Warren. He stated. "Equal is unconstitutional."
None of the members of the current U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Congress, or POTUS and Cabinet seem to comprehend that the U.S. Constitution, as-Written and Amended, is the-Law of our-Land and is a-Contract that cannot be uniquely amended by Statute or States, or parsed by the U.S. Supreme Court. (So says each State's Contract of Affiliation to-be a member state of the United States of America — to form a more perfect Union — according to the U.S. Constitution.) The failure of America’s Promise is due-to-the-fact that none of the above are taught in any U.S. University or U.S. Secondary or post-Secondary schooling.
The Resurrection of America’s Promise is strictly a DIY On-the-Fly Process only available via Artificial Intelligence + Google’s Syntopicon Directory => DIY. Are-you-ready-to Resurrect America’s Promise for Yourself? Your Children? Your Grandchildren? Twelve score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal (before the Law) and should be treated equitably => America’s Promise!
Today we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether our Nation, or any Nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. It is for us, the living, to be here dedicated to the great-Task before us -- that our Nation shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Or — the Church of England and ignorance will have succeeded where the British Military and Force failed.
In the 21st Century, America’s Promise of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is being replaced by Religious Fascism (aka: Self Proclaimed Christians) and Financial Fascism (aka: Capitalism) and Academic Fascism (degrees of incompetence) from U.S. Universities and their progeny, U.S. Elementary and Secondary Schooling.
U.S. Schooling’s Modus Operandi (MO), driven-by Cognitive Intelligence — tempered on academia’s anvil of self-serving self-interest, while feeding at the Public Trough — has-laid/is-laying the foundation for Political Rancor, Cultural Anarchy, and Economic Fascism, and the-demise of America’s Promise — as the rising of American’s Mental Health issues and their resulting rancor, obesity and Drug use, so testify. (The insatiable demand for Drugs in the USA is so wide-spread that drug dealers don't care that cutting their Drugs with Fentanyl is killing off their customers. In 2023: 112,000 OD deaths in the USA.)
Americans are standing on the crumbling edge of a Social – Cultural – Political – Health – Financial Abyss and the-demiseof America’s Promise, and don’t seem to know how they got there or what to do about it. The answers are not written in the Wind, although they can travel through the Air. (Cellular, WiFi, Blue Tooth, etc.)
Digital Transformation+ the Internet + the World Wide Web + StarLinks — have triggered the 4th Industrial Revolution and its Prodigy the 6th Intellectual Reformation that-are/will-be driven-by Artificial Intelligence and its accelerating Augmented Reality, while evolving exponentially faster than anything ever experienced by Mankind.
Evolution is challenging America's Moral Imperativesand Ethical Obligations. So says our national epidemic of retail theft + our politicians, corporations, news media ignoring the 9th Commandment + the 40%+ students' average daily absenteeism from our public schools + where Cultural Special Interests have buried "Duty, Honor, Country" under the Sands of another Time.
Where there is a-Will there is a-Way — DIY On-the-Fly + Evolving A.I. can give each-of-us a Way To-choose To-be Indispensable and independent(choose our own aspirations) in the U.S. 21st Century Age of Automation Workforce, while helping to restore America’s Industrial / Commercial Competitive Capabilities by converting the USA‘s Trade Deficit into a Trade Surplus, and resurrecting America’s Promise.
The Road to PrecoCity Itis where smart people work and informed people live — in Space, not Place.
Welcome-to the only-alternative to America’s Matriarchal University Matrix, driven-by comparative / competitive / isolating Grading of students' Memorizing skills (that build Termite Mounds)that is failing to prepare Americans for the evolutionary 21st Century, Age of Automation, Augmented Reality and its Communication-Link to requisite Knowledge = Artificial Intelligence(aka: souped-up to Ys-Quantum-A.I.). Plus, How-to combat U.S. Schooling’s perpetuation of-Childhood that is the primary cause of U.S. K-12-16-20-? Student’s PTSD + Drug-use + Suicide-rate, and the intellectually competitive Tech World’s dropping University Degrees as a consideration for employment. Plus, How-to protect your options and opportunities from scurrilous public services, employers, administrators, supervisors — whose self-interests threaten your best interest.
Artificial Intelligence can-enable Survival of the Fittest – for those who can DIY On-the-Fly” — Intellectually.(Google, et al, provides A.I. with access to information such as: The Encyclopedia, Great Books of the Western World, the Library of Congee, 25-billion web pages — 24/7, from anywhere in the world.) All of us will be impacted by Artificial Intelligence, eventually. Those with the best "Assimilation Skills" will-Prosper => The Rest will-Serve -- and everyone gets to choose. The Ys-DIY Road to PrecoCity — and its Bridge of Artificial Intelligence to PerspicaCity and the World of "Intellectual Acuity" — is now Open and Toll Free with fee-based optional Ombudsman Services at Retrac.com. Where the rubber meets the road is well-paved, well-marked, well-lighted with illuminating Guest Stops
Vast challenges cannot be addressed with half-vastKnowledge / Thinking / Intent / Effort
Time and Tide wait for no Man or Woman. By 2026: 70% of the U.S. Workforce will be doing Professional Services, Public Services, Personal Services, Maintenance Services, Food Services, or Room Service (96% of females and 76% of males). Projections are based-on Nobel Prize-validated Physiology and evolving-Tech. (Roger Sperry, Cal Tech, Nobel Prize - Medicine and Physiology, 1981)
Ys Human Beings with Ambient Intelligence, who have developed their "Intellectual Acuity" will use A.I.’s Answers to-make-Connections that build Concepts and Context that can manage Malleable Socialization, Cultural Astigmatism and build Economic Equitability, while getting America’s Promise back on-Track. Any Questions?
The probable Timeline says => Prepping for-recognition as a-Contender for Top-Tier employment during America’s Age of Automation should begin ASAP.
None of the above are Proffered atany U.S. University.
We don't have time to initiate/install the Ultimate Solution to America's lack-of competitive, Global, industrial, commercial capabilities — or our divisive Political / Cultural problems — if the USA is going to survive and thrive in the 21st Century's Age of Automation.
The Ultimate Solution will-be a partnership between "VirMote" Home-Schooling, where a collection of Moms will get paid to teach their collective children requisite Assimilation Skills in the AM, and their children will attend Public Schools in the PM — where they will learn how-to Socialize, indulge in their self-interests, and become the best they can-be. U.S. Schooling will become 40% less expensive, have a 96% daily PM attendance factor, and graduate a globally competitive workforce at every employee-chosen level. Our need is too immediate to start the Ultimate Solution — today. The USA is bleeding economically — NOW! The USA needs a Competitive + Cost-effective Solution — NOW! The USA needs adults and pending adults with Competitive, Productive and Constructive Intellectual Competencies — NOW!
Retrac’s Road to PrecoCity is supported by => In-Person, Optional Ombudsman Round Table Zoom-ins. Each a 2-hour Collaborative Discussion with handouts and optional-extensions:
Orientation: The Age of Automation + Augmented Reality + Why DIY On-the-Fly + A.I. +Google => Can help you fly-High!
Zoom-UP #1:How-to acquire the requisite Assimilation Tools and Skill Sets (Your Foundation for success)
Zoom-UP #2:How-to identify appropriate-for-you Artificial Intelligence Tools and Management Skill Sets that lead to Ambient Intelligence
Zoom-UP #3:How-to acquire requisite Age of Automation Intellectual Tools and Skill Sets — DIY on-the-Fly
Optional Zoom-UP #4:The Physiology of being an intelligent Human Being in the 21st Century
Participant-RequestedZoom-UP Ys-ly Topics — that relate to Employment and Collaboration during the U.S. Age of Automation and How-to develop Adept-Adaptability.
Short Cuts are for those who need immediate verification of potential A.I. Skills to stay on the Payroll — and think they have adequate “Assimilation Skills” so they don’t need tutoring. (Developingadequate Assimilation Skills that require Tutoring: Starts with Zoom-UP #1) _____________
Short Cuts — The Time it takes is up to you!
Short Cut #1 Earn a Pet Rock that will follow you around and protect your Options, Opportunities and Rights
A Pet Rock — can "Incite Positive Connections" (social, employment and up the organization) — whose presence on your wrist, or as a pin or ring, can put you at-the-head of any Hiring line, Promotion line, Bonus line at a company of your-choice that is being impacted by A.I. in any way, shape or form. Also, a great way to meet people who might share your Value System — the key component to complementary relationships. i: Am I (iAmbient Intelligent) 4A (Acknowledge - Acquire - Articulate - Adaptive) Wearing your Pet Rock whose inscription "Incites Positive Connections" (social, employment, and up the organization) could inform your employer you can = 4A.
Short Cut #2 Know: What to know? Until you can learn it. Applicable Knowledge aka:"The Physiology of Intelligence" Knowledge,Data and U.S. University-dispensed Academic Gibberish are not the same. You can become an Adept-Adapter by Acquiring, Manipulating, Managing > Applicable Knowledge
There are 8 Basic types of intentionally acquired Knowledge. (Knowledge and information/Data are not the same.)+ The Physiology of Intelligence (pdf)
Short Cut #3
Know: The legal protections that can help you keep your job
Protect yourself. It is easier than you think.
Are you ready-to Protect yourself from Charlatans, Parasites and Professional Servants: The Rules of Law and the 7th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. It’s a Federal Small Claims Court where the Rules of Law Matter and Statute law doesn't. U.S. Constitution Rules of Law (pdf) How-to extrapolate to build a Memory Bank of Pragmatic Principles (pdf)
Short Cuts are a combination of DIY and Mentoring + possible Collaboration and Certification of "Intellectual Acuity"
Mentoring Procedure/Process:
You do the assignments to the best of your ability
Submityour work to Scholastic Engineering. We comment and you modify your work accordingly.
Submitagain. We comment and you modify.
Submitagain. We comment and certify your work is employer ready.
Using Retrac.com as a resource is Free. Tutoring, Mentoring, Ombudsman Collaboration Services are Fee-based.
Request Mentoring Services:
• ShortCut #1:Earn a Pet Rock... (4 x $180 = $720) • ShortCut #2:Applicable Knowledge... (2 x $180 = $360) • ShortCut #3:Legal protection... (1 x $180 = $180)
A Scroll to a Future where you can acquire the Knowledge + Tools + Skills + How-to -- to protect Your-own - Your-children’s - Your-grand-children’s Employment Options and Opportunities and Financial Survival Skills during America‘s Age of Automation => the 4th Industrial Revolution and the 6th Intellectual Reformation, driven by Digital Transformation and Tech.
Unfortunately, St Paul’s prediction has come-to-pass:“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but-against principalities, against power, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against wickedness in high places, against the Dark Side’s evil powers that threaten men, both heavenly and earthly.” The Checks and Balances based-on Principles, as described in the U.S. Constitution, have become Pawns to Politics and Servants to Cultural in-breeding under the-guidance of U.S. Universities that dilute + defiled + dishonor the basic premises that created the World’s best Hope “a government of the People, by the People, for the People" = The Promise of America.
U.S. Constitution (pdf) It’sStatement of Intent + Articles + Amendments that create the USA’s "Rules of Law" (Not available in any U.S. University –or-- U.S. Law School –or– U.S. Political Party’s HQ or PAC)
Truths and their Consequences — Today!
The most extensive, expensive, time-consuming, University-dictated Matriarchal Schooling System (K–12–16–20–?) in the History of the World — the USA’s Matriarchal Schooling Matrix — has created a debtor Nation of competing Fascist Political Parties with a deteriorating Future populated by Drones, Clones, Pod-People and Banshees who will soon spend their Life on their Knees.
In America today, the continued existence of established institutions, organizations, corporations has become more important than their purpose. Compensation has buried competence and destroyed civility — creating inertia, indulgence, intellectual stagnation and causing Student PTSD + Drug use + Rancor + Violence in our schools, on our streets and in our public places. The U.S. Trade Deficit has-to become a U.S. Trade Surplus in order to service U.S. Debts or 86% of Americans' Options + Opportunities + Standard-of-living is going down-down-down. The USA doesn’t have a workforce problem. The U.S. has an Executive-level, University-Prepped Management-problem.
The Special Knowledge + Tools + Skill Sets for Restoring America's competitive Capabilities and the U.S. Constitution as the Law of our Land, and the Resurrection of America’s Promise > are at-hand.
Artificial Intelligence when delivered multi-modally and combined with Google’s Syntopicon, offers Americans, ages 7–70, an available, accessible, affordable alternative to immersing themselves in the USA’s Matriarchal, Cognitive Intelligence-driven + student isolating Matrix,called "Schooling", posing as an "Education" in the USA today.
U.S. Schooling has-been/is designed, built and controlled by American Universities, whose purging of "Intellectual Acuity" and "Ambient Intelligence" has brought America to its knees — Politically + Financially + Socially — with no Renaissance-in-sight.
America'sProblem — in Search of a Solution
To understand why the USA is currently engaged in an exceptionally divisive Civil War over Abortion, you need a brief, accurate history lesson. Accurate U.S. history is not readily available at American Universities, or — thanks-to American Universities — any other level of U.S. K-12-16 Schooling. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren (perhaps the most bipartisan Supreme Court Justice in U.S. History. He was nominated by both Political Parties for his second term and third term as Governor of California. He was the only three-term Governor in California.) He stated “Equality is unconstitutional”. He was right. We are all unique Human Beings. So, one size does not fit all. But, we can-all fit-in as long as the U.S. Constitution is honored as the Law of our Land.
1) America’s self-Proclaimed Christians are, and always have been, subscribers-to the State Religion of a Foreign Country > The Church of England and its political polemic the King James Bible (KJB), which was Commissioned and Paid-for by the Kings of England starting in 1602 for the expressed purpose of kicking the Catholic Church out of England so English Kings would not have to ask the Pope for permission when they wanted to divorce their wives, etc., etc., etc.
2) Actual American history. The first act of the American Colonies after their successful revolution from England was to ethnically cleanse KJB self-proclaimed "Christians" from their Colonies. Thousands of KJB Christians fled to England’s Canada, France’s Louisiana Territory, and Spain’s Florida — where they squatted on Land to-which they never acquired a Title of any kind.
Today‘s Red States acquired the authority to occupy the Land they were/are squatting-on by signing a-Contract to support and comply with the U.S. Constitution and become a part of the USA. U.S. States that have passed Anti-Abortion Laws are in Breach of Contract and can be returned-to Territorial Status by POTUS.
3) No King James Bible (KJB) Christian signed the U.S. Declaration of Independence, attended the U.S. Constitutional Convention, or signed the U.S. Constitution and its amending Bill of Rights. Our Founding Fathers rejected the British Empire and its Church of England and its KJB Bible. Our Founding Fathers lived-during the "Age of Enlightenment" and so were Deists / Quakers who subscribed to their own version of-the-teachings of Jesus Christ, as expressed in the Jefferson Bible (copies available on-line). The leadership of the American Revolution’s and Truths their Consequences are referenced and described in the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
The Solutionto America's Problems — DIY “VirMotely”
It’s Time to Build a — How-to Think intelligently, intuitively, tangibly workforce —to-REPLACE U.S. University's "Rote & Regurgitation in isolation, logically, speculatively" that has created inert-students staffing a non-competitive workforce — WITH — DIY On-the-Fly, powered-by Google and Evolving A.I., and managed-by Intellectual Acuity under the supervision of Ambient Intelligence. (Intuition deals with What-if? Logic deals with What-was.)
America’s Industrial / Commercial Competence can be revived with Tangible Truths + Intellectual Acuity + Ambient Intelligence-Managed DIY On-the-Fly Prepped U.S. Workforce that can-support the USA's efforts to Survive and Thrive in The Age of Automation’s accelerated, augmented, competitive
Global Economy > 2024–2048, and Beyond, when Science and the Truth and its Consequences replace Superstition, Surmise and Subscription. NOTE: Our Perspectives and Conclusions and Recommendations are based-on Nobel Prize-validated Science => Roger Sperry, Cal Tech, 1981, and tempered on the Anvil of personal experience, in both Public and Private Grunt and Tech Sectors.
You are here to learn — How-to manage-to Survive and Thrive under the thumb of Artificial Intelligence (aka: Evolving A.I.). Rote, Regurgitate, Replicate, Conform, Comply or Goodbye — are OUT. DIY On-the-Fly to 4C = Collaborate + Corroborate + Correlate + Coalesce — is IN.
Retrac.com offers 4 Roads to PrecoCity= How-to: Adeptly-Adapt-to > Manage > the Age of Automation — its accelerating Augmented Reality and its Empirical Communication Link (aka: Artificial Intelligence)
Option 1) DIY on-the-Fly with "VirMote" backup (including Ombudsman Services) Option 2) DIY on-the-Fly in local "VirMote" Collaborative Clusters
Option 3) Home Schooling with local "VirMote" Collaborative Clusters — in conjunction with public schools that provide Socializing activities, Sports and Artistic options. Option 4) Collaborative Learning Centers in University Libraries, Student Centers, Career Centers
Personal Orientation: How-to? How-to!
Where DIY On-the-Fly can raise your Intellectual Capabilities / Competencies to meet the Adept-Adaptability demands of the Age of Automation's Augmented Accelerated Reality-driven Top-Tier Workforce before you are replaced by Evolving A.I. (2024 >2025 > 2026 > ?)
The Game has just begun and America is already behind — Economically, Educationally, Empirically. It is Time for American Parents and their Children to cast aside the U.S. schooling Matrix and become conscious + constructive + competent + competitive + Adept Adults. We call such people "Contenders" who are intending-to acquire adaptability. Adept-Adaptability. Acquiring Age of Automation Top-Tier employment capabilities / competencies DIY On-the-Fly and Creating and Managing a Purely-Personal DIY Strategic Plan — Works Like This > > >
Creating and Managing a Purely-Personal DIY Strategic Plan that will optimize your Options and Opportunities. How it works... (pdf)
Other Ombudsman Assistance
A Ys-Questionable-Glossary eMail Service for those who know where they want to go and could use some Pragmatic Principles to help them get there. One single question eMail limited to 120 words gets a appropriate 120 word Response with one Clarification, if requested.
Our 120 word Response tells you how that Topic can-be-defined as a Ys-Pragmatic Principle by delineating — What it is. What it does. How it does it. Why you should care — So you can see Why you might want to add it to your discernible Intellectual Skill Sets. You also get one clarification eMail. Plus: if you wish to discuss the Topic further — how-to apply it by developing your own Pragmatic Principles = Truths and their Consequences, as they may apply to your unique personal Situation + Circumstance + Expectations + Options and Opportunities + Capabilities and Competencies.
Requested Zoom-In Discussions You can even request a Zoom-In Round Table Discussion for a specific concern. Since delineating useful Principles requires a-consensus, Round Table Discussions are collaborative to incorporate Perspectives other than our own. A Round Table
requires 3–12 participants. You can solicit your friends/ acquaintances/ classmates and/or we will solicit our mailing list.
We will also host larger group discussions (16–32 participants) we call "Conclaves" or 48–120 participants = PowWows. Types of Topics: Context – where the Whole is greater than the sum of its Parts. Concepts – Relationships are more important than Details. Physical Systems – that influence response. Societal Systems – that influence Perspectives and result from Experience. Emotions – that result from Feelings = PTSD. Military PTSD is real vs. Civilian/Student PTSD that is perceived as probable.
Civilian/Student (C/S) Mental Health issues are all forms of Civilian-PTSD. Anti-social and self-destructive behaviors are the Consequences of C/S-PTSD in the 21st Century. PTSD and C/S-PTSD are in-fact a circumstance that results from a normal human response generated by our Reptilian Brain (which also directs Procreation).
Artificial Intelligence Can enable— “Survival of the Fittest" Intellectually
In the Age of Automation's accelerating Augmented Reality
“I Think therefore I am.” - Descartes
“Memorizing has very little to do with intelligence - Smart People make connections.” - Steve Jobs
“Only 2 things seem to be infinite -- the Universe and Human Stupidity. I am not sure about the Universe.” Albert Einstein
We can exorcise Human Stupidity by Zooming-UP one of the four Lanes-to-PrecoCity -- Where the rubber meets the Road is well-paved, well-marked, and well-lighted! All of us will be impacted by Artificial Intelligence, eventually. Those with the best Assimilation Skills will Prosper => the Rest will-Serve.
You can become an Adept-Adapter in our Land of University-trained Drones, Clones and Pod-People by Acquiring / Manipulating / Managing > Knowledge = "The Physiology of Intelligence" —
Zoom-UP #1: Acquiring Assimilation Tools and Skill Sets
Outline: Identifying / Defining / Acquiring the Key Can-Do Components of our Human Participation / Socialization Tools and Skill Sets for access to the Top-Tier U.S. Workforce during America's Age of Automation (aka: Assimilation Skills):
Our Communication Tools: Speak + Read + Write + Articulate at SciTech’s accelerated levels.
NOTE: Zoom-UP #1is the most time-consuming Zoom-UP since you have to make up for 12–16 years of denigration of your natural capabilities and competencies from immersion in America's Matriarchal Schooling Matrix
Range of our Intellectual Acuity (pdf) Measured in terms of our capacity to comprehend the "Truth and its Consequences" by making Connections (aka: "Connecting the Dots")
Understanding Artificial Intelligence must start by recognizing that traditionally there are two applicable definitions of Intelligence.
#1) What is our personal intellectual-capability? Generally stated as our Cognitive IQ > IQ which testifies to our ability to Rote and Regurgitate, and our Lineal Thinking Skills. (Left-Brain-Based)
#2) Can we put what we know into Context? Which testifies to our Ambient IQ = Am IQ.(Right-Brain-based). To which we must now add — #3) What can we-do with what we know? Which testifies to our intellectual Acuity = Intel IQ.
(Cognitive Intelligence is really an Oxymoron, while Artificial Intelligence is a Paradox. Our Real World Intelligence is not ranked by what-we-know > but by what we can-do and Do > with what we know.)
Complete Zoom-UP #2 DIY Program (TBA)
Evolving A.I. and DIY are the only access to the Intellectual Tools and Skill Sets (pdf) that can identify the "Connections" (Dots) that build a context that makes Intellectual Acuity possible and management of Automation during the Age of Automation possible and probable.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An introduction to — Artificial Intelligence What is Artificial Intelligence? What will it do? How does it do it? Why should you care?
Artificial Intelligence is the-Controllerof the Age of Automation (when Humans manage, Computers supervise and Machines task)
Artificial Intelligence has a 4-level resource, competence-development trajectory that will run from 2023 to 2026, beginning with the speculative, Novelty Period = a Solution in search of a Problem. Level 1)Conjecture A.I. = Entertains, exploits, emulates, hallucinates + violates the 9th Commandment (2023) Level 2)Inference A.I. = Answers simple sentence questions/requests; improves individual productivity + (2024) Level 3)Quasi-Ys-Quantum A.I. = Answers compound sentence questions/requests; facilitates workflow + (2025) Level 4)Ys-Quantum A.I. = Answers complex sentence questions/requests; improves "margins" + Adaptability (2026)
A.I. is a Research Tool. A Syntopicon on Steroids. If you don’t know what a Syntopicon is check out "Great Books of the Western World".
Humans Manage > Computers Supervise >Machines Task Our Human Guidance System (pdf): Whywe are – Who we are – Influences what we can-Do > DIY On-the-Fly.
Zoom-UP #3:Building Age of Automation Requisite Employment Intellectual Tools and Skill Sets OurIntelligence is dictated by our Physiology + our Knowledge + our Experience + our Emotional Management
How-to predicate Solutions:
How-to-Strategize: Build a Draft of an implementation Process (aka: Critical Path) of your suggestion + its consequences + its implementation + tangible or intangible ROI.
How-to-Initiate:Ask pertinent questions of fellow employees, supervisors, managers regarding the current situation, circumstance, consequence you will propose to change.
How-to-Participate:"Feed" parts of your ideas to others who might contribute and support your idea (because it can contribute to their success).
How-to-be-Credited:Give credit to others for their contribution to your suggestions.
Complete Zoom-UP #3 DIY Program (TBA)
Taking charge of your Choices and building a Future of your choosing — Using a Ys Critical Path (pdf) "TheYs-Way to Delineate your Strategy and reach your Target as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible." – John M. Comer
Zoom-UP #4:Optional “I think therefore I am — NOW!” Mentoredonly + required research (Roger Sperry, Nobel Prize, 1981) + three Fee-based sessions. Includes —
Aptitudes you can build-on? What we are? Why are we => Who we are? What we can do about it!
Whatyou can do competitively with the Capabilities you already have?
Anintroduction to Intellectual Acuity: Intellectual Attributes and their Tools that can expand Capabilities/Competencies.
Prepping for the Age of Automation starts-with writing a strictly Personal Private Profile from your Perspective = What are you? Why are you - Who you are? (Lots of Smart Guessing). Tells you What you have to build on.
Introduction: The "Cornerstones" of tomorrow's U.S. Age of Automation workforce. One 1-hour session = FREE
Orientation:Zoom-In 2-hour session = 1 x $36 Where are we? Where do we want to go? Why?
SingleQuestion via Email, with 1 clarification email = 2 x $36 Verify Relationship of possible Connection. Validate.
Open-MicCollaboration: Zoom-UP #1, #2 or #3; One 2-hour session; each = 3 x $36. Stabilize Situation - Circumstance - Options - Opportunities
MentoredCollaboration: Zoom-UP #4; Three 2-hour sessions = 4 x $36. Factual, Statistical Profiling
ParticipantRequested: Ys-Round-Table Zoom-In that relates to Employment during the U.S. Age of Automation; 2-hour session = 2 X $36. Discuss, clarify, expand pertinent topics.