What you understand you can manage. When you don't understand, others manage you.
How-long a list of Chores we can do + how well we perform these Chores testifies to our Cognitive Intelligence and our support-of our traditional Political + Economic + Cultural Heritage. Recognizing-the-Ramifications of our Chores on our Lifestyle + Civility + Equitability -- in light of America’s current Industrial Evolution -- defines our Ambient Intelligence.
Adapting to the-Realities of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) + Augmented Reality during the Age of Automation testifies to our Intellectual Acuity and How-Smart we are. Increasing our Intellectual Acuity can-make-us Happier with our Situation and Circumstance + Our Relationships + Our Options + Opportunities + Our Community and Our Country. The United States of America
You can get your feet wet here.
To-Be or Not-To-Be” is a 405-year-old personal question with non-Task-oriented or
Pedagogue-dictated answers.
→ Does To-Be what we want To-Be contradict what someone else wants us To-Be?
Demands We-Be? Does this apply to you?
→ To-Be Smart enough To-Be-You -- legally, morally, constructively, productively + independently -- starts by subscribing-to Empirical- or Science- or Principle-based “Truths” + comprehending their potential Ramifications and Consequences by making-Connections prompted by Artificial Intelligence ('A.I.). A.I.= Special Information that builds Ambient Intelligence, generates Intellectual Acuity and makes us noticeably Smarter.
To-be or Not To-be Trumped by Q-A.I. and Automation in the USA's 21st Century Workforce “Byfailing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." -Ben Franklin Adapting-to-Adopting The Art of Being-SmarterTM Startswith "Where-are-You?" + "Where-you-may-want-to-go." +Strategic Planning Getting there takes Planning, Preparing + Prepping — before Doing.
Answer a simple question in 72 words or less -- → Whywas Calligraphy the most important influence on Steve Jobs' Management, Product Development, Design Perspectives / Practices? (He dropped out of Reed College to take Calligraphy Classes.)
Answer this question in 72 words or less and you can be Certified as "Being Smarter" than 90% of the Top-Tier of the Age of Automation U.S. Workforce and qualified to acquire a wearable — Ys-PetRock that testifies to your superior, competitive Capabilities and Competencies in the World of Q-A.I., Automation, and our Robotic-driven Workforce.
eMail Us your "answer" for evaluation and possible Certification that you are indeed Smarter than 90% of the 28% of the Top-Tier of the Age of Automation U.S. Workforce and are eligible to acquire a wearable Ys-PetRock (pdf).
Or > For those who are not already there: APractice Test for Openers =>What did Steve Jobs see in Calligraphy that made it the primary productive influence in his life? Simply make a list.
Caveats: "The best laid plan of mice and men often go awry."Robert Burns
All-Human Endeavors are subject
to Murphy’s Law: “What can go wrong will go wrong.”
So, it is incumbent upon us to D+D:4A =>4C. D+D = Define + Delineate: 4A = Anticipate + Adjust + Adapt + Adopt => 4C = Corroborate + Collaborate + Comprehend + Conjoin
Prologue: “As you wander on through life brother whatever be your goal keep your eye upon the doughnut not upon the hole.”The Optimist Creed
To Successfully Ensure that the best Options and Opportunities are yours – Pay attention to what is going on. Stop being a spectator. Get out of the Stands and onto the Field-of-Play. Playing the Game of Life starts with => Where are you? Where do you want to go -- Employably, Relationally, Socially? Yes, you-can or at-least come close. And today you can-do it => DIY On-the-Fly during the USA’s A.I.-Driven => Age of Automation, and Beyond. U.S. K-12-16-20 Schooling Matrix is/will-be a liability.
A Heads-up: To use a military concept when the USA was winning its Wars: Get your Head out of your-ass or at least get a Plexiglas stomach. Starts with establishing where you-are so you can Plan + Prepare -- before Doing! (Before taking the "How Smart Am-i?"Test, fill out #1, #2, and #3 on the Worksheet.)
Plan + Prepare -- before Doing!
Beforetaking the "How Smart Am-i?"Test,
fill out #1, #2, and #3 on the Worksheet.
WORKSHEET:Planning + Preparing -- before Doing! (pdf)
The “How Smart Am-i?”Test canbe a Plan-B for Americans facing the impact of A.I. and the Age of Automation
We have developed a Test that we Humans can-use to find out how Smart we are.
This is not an I.Q. Test. I.Q. Tests measure our Cognitive Intelligence as manifested in our Memorization Skills = Rote & Regurgitation.
A Smart Test measures how well we can apply/use the information that we have acquired to expand our Options and Opportunities => The Art of Being-SmarterTM (Obviously + Congenially + Collaboratively)
Our "How Smart Am-I?" Test is a Can-Do Test that has 16 performance levels (Connections, aka “Dots”) and can have a 3% error factor.
How many Connections can you make? •Level #1 = 1-6 Dots • Level #2 = 7-12 Dots •Level #3 = 13-16 Dots (out of 32 Possible Dots) (SeeComp-Scale on Retrac.com’s Intellectual Acuity Chart.)
Optional Service:Email Us if you would like to participate in a 2-hour Round-Table Discussion ($48)
The “How Smart Am-i?”Test Youcan rate the results of your test using Retrac.com's Intellectual Acuity Chart. Where do you fit?
The only Prepping for surviving and thriving during the Age of Automation in the USA tomorrow can-start today. Thereare Four Ways to take the "How Smart Am-i? Test
Assistance for those who have taken the "How Smart Am-i? Test
To understand why the "Art of Being-Smarter" works and U.S. K-12-16-20 Schooling doesn't, you need to be familiar with 2 things: • TheNorth Korean POW Separation Program: 7,000 U.S. POWs - no escapes - first time in history (40% died in Captivity) •Roger Sperry, Cal Tech, and his 1981 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology (Responsibilities of Left-Right sides of Cerebral Cortex)